Flights search and booking service

This XML service developed for search and booking of air tickets in the database of the program set “Master-Tour”. The service can be used by the website of the tour operator or by external search engines.

The main functions of the service:

  • Getting reference data necessary for further search and booking (countries, cities, flights, tariffs);
  • Getting information about possible flight routes;
  • Getting prices for flights;
  • Getting information about the availability of seats for flights;
  • Booking a flight.

During the booking process, a complete reservation is created in the database of the program set “Master-Tour”, and the client receives a confirmation indicating the reservation number and its price. A service has a large number of settings (publication rules) that are defined in the service administration module.

Base cost

98000 ₽ or 7500 ₽/month*


The service has an unique functionality for creating a temporary reservation (option), with the subsequent conversion of a temporary reservation to a permanent one. This allows the customer to “hold” the found tickets (seats) for some time, for example, to enter data about passengers or to make a payment.

A temporary reservation that has expired will be canceled automatically.

The service administrator can set different rules for using the options functionality for partners (the ability to create an option, the maximum lifetime of the option and the number of possible extensions of the option).

* The price is specified without the function of creating a temporary reservation (option). The cost of the full version of the service is 145000 rubles. The cost of renting the full version of the service is 10500 rubles per month.


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